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讲授本科生《能源与环境概论》、《清洁生产与循环经济》课程。主要从事能源化工系统建模、技术经济分析、系统可持续性评价、决策分析方向的研究,重点开展先进核燃料循环体系模拟与评价、核能政策研究工作。在韩期间连续参与并完成多个国家能源战略重点项目,2014~2019年参与韩美核燃料循环联合研发重大专项课题并担任子课题主要完成人。已在Energy PolicyEnergy Conversion and Management, FuelInternational Journal of Energy ResearchAnnals of Nuclear Energy等能源化工领域国际知名学术期刊上公开发表学术论文20余篇,会议论文国际大会口头报告6次。


Korea Ministry of Science and Technology, “Next Generation Carbon Upcycling Project” –Sub Project: Optimization of P2L Process through Simulation Study, 2020.02.15~2022.12.31. Fund: 0.1 billion KRW, Co-PI.




GLOBAL 2017核燃料循环国际大会优秀论文奖、ANUP 2016国际会议优秀口头报告奖



[1] Ruxing Gao; Lei Wang; Leiyu Zhang; Chundong Zhang; Ki-Won Jun; Seok Ki Kim; Tiansheng Zhao; Hui Wan; Guofeng Guan. A life cycle exergy-based analysis of Power-to-liquid/Power-to-gas hybrid processes coupled with different water electrolysis technologies. Fuel 2024, 357, 130040.

[2] Leiyu Zhang; ZhongyueTang; Ruxing Gao*; Ying Wu; Lei Wang; Chundong Zhang; Ki-Won Jun; Seok Ki Kim; Tiansheng Zhao; Hui Wan; Guofeng Guan. CCUS-assisted electricity-chemical polygeneration system for decarburizing coal-fired power plant: Process integration and performance assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production 2024141972.

[3] Xianqiang Li; Xiudong Zhang; Ruxing Gao*; Leiyu Zhang; Chundong Zhang. Vapour-liquid equilibrium data for binary systems CO2 + acetone, butanone, 2- pentanone and 3- pentanone at 253.15 K: Experimental measurements and correlations. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 2024.

[4] Ruxing Gao; Lei Wang; Leiyu Zhang; Chundong Zhang; Ki-Won Jun; Seok Ki Kim; Tiansheng Zhao; Hui Wan; Guofeng Guan. Life cycle sustainability decision-support framework for CO2 chemical conversion technologies under uncertainties. Energy Conversion and Management 2023, 288, 117113.

[5] Chundong Zhang; Kehao Hu; Xixi Chen; Lujing Xu; Chao Deng; Qiang Wang; Ruxing Gao*; Ki-Won Jun; Seok Ki Kim; Tiansheng Zhao; Hui Wan; Guofeng Guan. Direct hydrogenation of CO2 into valuable aromatics over K/Fe-Cu-Al @HZSM-5 tandem catalysts: Effects of zeolite surface acidity on aromatics formation. Fuel Processing Technology 2023, 248, 107824.

[6] Ruxing Gao; Leiyu Zhang; Lei Wang; Xiudong Zhang; Chundong Zhang; Ki-Won Jun; Seok Ki Kim; Hae-Gu Park; Ying Gao; Yuezhao Zhu. A comparative study on hybrid power-to-liquids/power-to-gas processes coupled with different water electrolysis technologies. Energy Conversion and Management 2022, 263, 115671.

[7] Ruxing Gao; Chundong Zhang; Ki-Won Jun; Seok Ki Kim; Hae-Gu Park; Tiansheng Zhao; Lei Wang; Hui Wan; Guofeng Guan. Transformation of CO2 into liquid fuels and synthetic natural gas using green hydrogen: A comparative analysis. Fuel 2021, 291, 120111.

[8] Ruxing Gao; Chundong Zhang; Yun-Jo Lee; Geunjae Kwak; Ki-Won Jun; Seok Ki Kim; Hae-Gu Park; Guofeng Guan. Sustainable production of methanol using landfill gas via carbon dioxide reforming and hydrogenation: Process development and techno-economic analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production 2020, 272, 122552.

[9] Ruxing Gao; Hyo On Nam; Hong Jang; Won Il Ko. The economic competitiveness of promising nuclear energy system: A closer look at the input uncertainties in LCOE analysis. International Journal of Energy Research 2019; 43: 3928–3958.

[10] Ruxing Gao; Hyo On Nam; Won Il Ko; Hong Jang. Integrated system evaluation of nuclear fuel cycle options in China combined with an analytical MCDM framework. Energy Policy 2018; 114: 221–233.
